How Superfoods and Sexual Health Clinics Go Hand in Hand

Health & Medical Blog

If you are having issues with your sexual health, specifically with fertility-related issues as a male, then you may find yourself visiting a sexual health clinic. If this is the case, one of the treatments they may offer is a change in diet. One of the many changes that sexual health clinics are suggesting is the replacement of a poor diet with superfood enriched diets. Each superfood has their own specific benefit to offer to your sexual health and fertility. Here are a few of those superfoods that your sexual health clinic may offer as part of your dietary change. 


In order to be more fertile, you need to have a healthy production of sexual hormones. These hormones help build testosterone and help strengthen your sperm. In order to do this, you need a boost to help. That boost can come in the form of garlic. You can do this by taking garlic in capsules. You can also take it in minced form, liquid form, and raw. Some men swear that taking it raw is easier and can deliver the superfood to your system quicker and easier.

Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes are easy to find and easy to make. If you are looking for a superfood that will help with your male fertility then this may be the easiest one. It can be added to your meal prep and plan for the week simply by tossing a few of them in the oven and baking them. What they do for your fertility is prevent your sperm from becoming damaged. They act as a sort of superfood armor.

Chicken and Turkey

You want to eat lean and protein rich meats during a time when you are trying to become more fertile. The protein in chicken and turkey will help to fortify your sperm and make it stronger. This can be a huge benefit when you are eating the meats alongside sweet potatoes as well. You build the strength of the sperm while keeping them protected.

Organic Dark Chocolate

The trick to this superfood is that it must be unrefined dark chocolate. You can find it at most health food stores in the treat section. The aspect that makes this ideal for your fertility is that it helps reduce tension and hypertension in the body. That makes your body more relaxed and helps maintain the strength of your sperm.

Keep in mind that the addition of superfoods and the change of diet is only one of the many things that your sexual health clinic may offer. You will face many treatment options for your male sexual health issues. You can discuss these options in a consultation with a sexual health professional at facilities like Travellers Medical Services and begin working on a treatment option that will benefit you most. 


27 June 2017

Living With Varicose Veins

When I first started noticing veins protruding from my lower legs, I did my best to ignore them. However, I knew they were likely varicose veins, as both my parents have had varicose veins for several years. Eventually, I went to see my doctor due to experiencing leg swelling and red patches of skin, which turned out to be varicose eczema. I was prescribed the usual treatment, and my doctor discussed surgery to strip out the damaged veins, but I decided to postpone surgery and look at managing the swelling and protrusion of veins naturally. I started this blog to share my own experiences of trying complementary therapies, such as homeopathy, herbal medicine and massage, to manage my symptoms. I hope you find my posts useful and interesting.