3 Ways a Dermatologist Can Help You


A dermatologist is a doctor who specialises in treating disorders of the skin. However, a dermatologist doesn't just treat outbreaks of acne or diagnose psoriasis. They also treat a range of other conditions. Below is a guide to three services offered by a skin clinic.

Hair Loss

If your hair is thinning or brittle, this may be the result of a skin condition which is causing bald spots and hair loss. The hair on your head connects with your skin. If the pores on your head become clogged, this may be preventing hair follicles from growing as they should. Harsh shampoo and hair care products can also damage the skin and cause damage to the hair follicles. A dermatologist will carry out an inspection of the skin on your scalp before proceeding with treatment. Treatment will normally take the form of a special medicated shampoo which will help to clean and hydrate the skin on your head, allowing your hair to begin to recover so it can become thick and healthy.

Damaged Nails

While it might at first seem strange that a dermatologist can help you to maintain the health of your nails, it is important to remember that your nails are attached to and embedded within the skin on each finger and toe. Damaged or brittle nails may be a result of a skin condition. A dermatologist will inspect your nails and the surrounding skin to establish the nature of the problem. They will then carry out further tests to pinpoint the cause of the issue. Likely causes of damaged nails include low levels of vitamin B and iron, poor circulation or low blood pressure. The dermatologist will prescribe medications, food supplements or exercises which will help to address these issues.

Post-Surgery Scars

If you have recently had surgery, you may have been left with deep scars as a result of the incisions which were made during the procedure. If these are making you feel self-conscious, a dermatologist should be able to help. Skin clinics offer a range of services which are designed to reduce the level of scarring which remains post-surgery. Your doctor may recommend using laser therapy to reduce the redness of the scar or microdermabrasion treatment which helps to stimulate the growth of collagen in the skin and promotes healing.

If you would like further information, help or advice, you should contact a skin clinic near you.


13 July 2017

Living With Varicose Veins

When I first started noticing veins protruding from my lower legs, I did my best to ignore them. However, I knew they were likely varicose veins, as both my parents have had varicose veins for several years. Eventually, I went to see my doctor due to experiencing leg swelling and red patches of skin, which turned out to be varicose eczema. I was prescribed the usual treatment, and my doctor discussed surgery to strip out the damaged veins, but I decided to postpone surgery and look at managing the swelling and protrusion of veins naturally. I started this blog to share my own experiences of trying complementary therapies, such as homeopathy, herbal medicine and massage, to manage my symptoms. I hope you find my posts useful and interesting.