3 Tips to Avoid Knee Pain When Running

Health & Medical Blog

Runners often complain of knee pain, but it is not an unavoidable consequence of running. If you work on your running form, wear appropriate shoes and take steps to strengthen your leg muscles, you will hopefully be able to run without pain for many years. Take a look at these three top tips to keep your knees healthy.

1. Run With Good Form

Many people assume that everyone knows how to run, but mastering correct running form is actually something that takes practice. One of the main causes of knee pain in runners is overstriding: landing with a straight leg and your foot in front of your knee. This landing pose puts a lot of strain through the knee and can lead to severe pain over time.

To stop overstriding, focus on taking small, quick steps. This should result in you landing on the ball of your foot rather than on your heel. Some runners find it useful to listen to music that has roughly 180 beats per minute and try to step in time with the beat. If you prefer more chilled-out tunes, choose songs with 90 beats per minute and step in double time.

2. Replace Your Running Shoes

If you run on hard surfaces like concrete, you need a good pair of running shoes to cushion your landing every time you take a step. Road running shoes wear out after about 300 to 500 miles of running, so be sure to replace them regularly. You can wear the old shoes for less high-impact activities, such as yard work or walking, if you hate the idea of throwing out shoes that haven't yet completely fallen apart.

3. Strengthen The Muscles Around the Knee

Leg muscles work together to reduce strain on the knee joint and keep knee pain at bay. Strengthening these muscles can reduce your risk of developing knee pain and even help you to recover from a knee injury. You can use leg raises, leg presses, bridges, squats, and hip exercises to strengthen your glutes, hamstrings and hip abductor muscles.

If you already have knee pain, it is a good idea to consult a sports physiotherapist before embarking on any kind of exercise program. You might need to rest your knee to allow it to heal before you start a strengthening routine. A sports physiotherapist can let you know which exercises are most appropriate for your knee condition.


20 December 2018

Living With Varicose Veins

When I first started noticing veins protruding from my lower legs, I did my best to ignore them. However, I knew they were likely varicose veins, as both my parents have had varicose veins for several years. Eventually, I went to see my doctor due to experiencing leg swelling and red patches of skin, which turned out to be varicose eczema. I was prescribed the usual treatment, and my doctor discussed surgery to strip out the damaged veins, but I decided to postpone surgery and look at managing the swelling and protrusion of veins naturally. I started this blog to share my own experiences of trying complementary therapies, such as homeopathy, herbal medicine and massage, to manage my symptoms. I hope you find my posts useful and interesting.