3 Concerns You May Want To Discuss With Your Obstetrician When Pregnant


Finding out you're pregnant is possibly one of the happiest moments of your life. But this discovery brings months of worry, too. Is your baby okay? Is he or she getting enough nutrition? What kind of food should you stay away from? How should you sleep? These questions are all too common for new expectant mothers who have never experienced pregnancy before. But apart from these questions, you may have some concerns you want to discuss with your obstetrician too. This guide will help you.

You Experience Any Cramping Or Discomfort

While cramping, discomfort and even mild bleeding can be normal during pregnancy, none of these things should be taken for granted because they could also mean something more serious. If you experience any cramping or discomfort at any stage in your pregnancy, don't make any assumptions. Discuss the problem with your obstetrician, who is in the best position to make an informed, professional assessment of your situation. In most cases, your doctor will send you for further tests to make sure everything is moving along smoothly.

You Experience Feelings Of Nervousness And Anxiousness

Not every aspect of pregnancy is always happy. Feeling anxious and nervous is common amongst expectant mothers who simply don't understand what they are experiencing. It's also common for pregnant women to go through mood swings. Some studies suggest that up to 1 in 10 women will experience antenatal depression or anxiety. Depression can cause a few issues like low birth weight and premature delivery. Letting your obstetrician know your feelings in advance can help to get these issues treated in advance for a safe delivery later.

You Don't Know When You Should Feel The Baby

This is one of the most common concerns mothers have, especially when they haven't don't it before. It's important to remember that every pregnancy is different. Some women may start to feel their babies earlier, while others may only feel their baby kick or move well into their second and almost reaching their third trimesters. Feeling your baby move will also depend on how your baby is positioned in your womb. Nevertheless, speak to your obstetrician so he or she can help you understand what you should be looking for as a sign that your baby is moving inside.

Concerns while pregnant are normal, which is why it's important to discuss them with your obstetrician, who can help you feel more at ease.


22 August 2019

Living With Varicose Veins

When I first started noticing veins protruding from my lower legs, I did my best to ignore them. However, I knew they were likely varicose veins, as both my parents have had varicose veins for several years. Eventually, I went to see my doctor due to experiencing leg swelling and red patches of skin, which turned out to be varicose eczema. I was prescribed the usual treatment, and my doctor discussed surgery to strip out the damaged veins, but I decided to postpone surgery and look at managing the swelling and protrusion of veins naturally. I started this blog to share my own experiences of trying complementary therapies, such as homeopathy, herbal medicine and massage, to manage my symptoms. I hope you find my posts useful and interesting.